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Last updated: 26 Nov, 2015  

Lock Screens in India Come Alive With Slide App

PR Newswire | 25 Nov, 2015

NEW DELHI: Slide App has stepped into the Indian market with a mission to bring in soul to the lock screen of your mobile phones. It's catching up to be a rage with the Indian audiences, as the response has been overwhelming. According to Amrita Gujral, business head of the company, they are in fact being approached by a lot of young blood as well, with constant inputs on content and are moving with their users adapting the new, and constantly evolving in approach.

Slide App is a one stop shop for all content needs. Content that is not only informative but also entertaining. With a plethora of options to choose from be it travel, food, fashion, city timeout etc., the user can really customize his/her choice and receive content only basis selection. All you got to do is, put your thumb to use! Slide it, read content and earn rewards.

Slide App in India comes with a very rooted mission to inform, to educate and to encourage that quest for knowledge and that ease of getting it all at your fingertips. Gratification for the user here forms a great hook as more than 50% of an average user's recharge requirement is taken care of by regular usage of this app.

What sets the app apart?

Slide App is different because of its vision for the app and how it translates into a two-fold advantage for marketers and the users. The marketers are getting themselves a very focused TG that can be tracked demographically and geographically, basically smart data, thus there is merit in targeting these consumers for brand building/tactical communication, as a higher response rate is expected since dissemination is very targeted. Works as a very well thought through ROI model for the brand world as Slide App turns into a media platform in addition to the existing platforms. But since an average user spends an average of about 3 hours on his mobile, reaching out to him/her in that space works out most efficiently as the communication is not being pushed but there is an equal pull as well. Thus, advertisers see a very good merit in this app.

Speaking about the app, the business head of the company, Amrita Gujral categorically states, "Slide App is an infomercial platform where curators, publishers and advertisers come together to offer the user the best in his/her category of interest. We focus on content that is useful, unique and communication that is simple and nonintrusive by simply being - fun to read, as users are key to us. Our partners/advertisers are also looking at it as a value-add to their existing communication. We are in talks with a few companies and also soon we should be expanding our penetration in a very big way to make this an extremely popular platform that has regional localized reach in terms of language as well."

Adding to further define the edge from an interface and usage perspective, the digital head, Nakul Sethi claims, "The design and usage of the app is very simple, refined and since ease of usage is key to us, we have made it light and easy to have on a basic smartphone. It is key to our app promise to reach out to all as information and knowledge mustn't be restricted. Having said that, our app if opened once using internet data, content relevant to the category selection even in absence of internet at a later stage will still display on the users lock screen. This ensures that even with remote connectivity, the user isn't cut off and is constantly able to engage with his lock screen and view the content."

What is the future of the product?

Slide App is the infomercial platform that takes mobile usage to the next level by bridging gaps and making marketing more meaningful and direct where the quest to know more readily exists. Marketer-meets-user-model brings the best to both making it a win-win situation. Making this app penetrate to more markets and users is our aim while maintaining quality of what we post. We are looking at a ground up approach and inducing a behavioral change in how information is consumed. A spare minute/an hour, at the gym, at office…anywhere, everywhere knowledge at fingertips, brands at fingertips.

Learn and Earn!

Happy Sliding!

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Media Contact
Amrita Gujral
India Business Head

Nakul Sethi
Digital Head

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