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Last updated: 23 Jan, 2015  

SpaceBillboard, the First Billboard in Space Ready for Launch

PR Newswire | 22 Jan, 2015
SpaceBillboard, the First Billboard in Space Ready for Launch

LEUVEN, Belgium: SpaceBillboard, a supporter of innovative space research, is set to launch the world's first billboard in space in a milestone that marks the increasing importance of CubeSats in Space Exploration.

Researchers at the KU Leuven University in Belgium came up with the novel idea of launching a real billboard into space to help fund their research on NexGen satellites called CubeSats.

A CubeSat is small - about the size of a milk carton - and lightweight, which makes them cheaper to build and launch. It is the perfect answer for universities and start-ups to get involved in space research.

Tjorven Delabie, co-founder of SpaceBillboard said: "This is an out-of-this-world project, that allows companies to bring their brand into space. The idea is catching on, and several companies have already secured their spot."

The launch of the billboard is scheduled for January 2016, to be launched from Alcântara, Brazil.

Highest and fastest 

The messages on the SpaceBillboard will be the highest and the fastest ever seen in the industry, flying at 27,400 kph at an altitude of 500 km. The Billboard will orbit the Earth 15 times a day, becoming the first advertisements that literally bring their message around the world.

Although the billboard will not be visible from Earth, all messages will be continuously visible on the SpaceBillboard website ( as well as used in the customers' branding campaigns.

Marketing & Science 

SpaceBillboard is a novel kind of crowdfunding project for private and corporate donors. For companies, buying one or more of the 400 available squares at €2500 is a perfect opportunity to showcase their innovative spirit.

Personal Messages 

Inspiring people about space research is an important part of SpaceBillboard's mission. Therefore, you can send a personal message into space for €1/character. So far, many have already signed up to share their message.

Into Space 

Once the SpaceBillboard has been sold out, it will be put on the CubeSat. The CubeSat is expected to operate in orbit for up to ten years. After that, it will burn up in the atmosphere, ensuring that no space debris is left behind.

About SpaceBillboard

SpaceBillboard was founded in 2014 by three PhD researchers from Belgium's KU Leuven University to support innovative space research at an affordable cost. 

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