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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

Kenya's National Single Window System to Launch

PR Newswire | 02 May, 2014
Kenya's National Single Window System to Launch
NAIROBI, Kenya: CrimsonLogic, a leading provider of eGovernment solutions and services headquartered in Singapore -- under a government contract between Kenya and Singapore, successfully rolled out the Kenya Electronic Single Window System, officially known as Kenya TradeNet.  The system is CrimsonLogic's 18th live Trade Facilitation implementation so far, and its first major project in Kenya.

Kenya TradeNet is the first comprehensive Single Window system in the East African Community, and one of the very few in the world that integrates a complex heterogeneous government agencies ecosystem onto a single common platform, streamlining clearance process for sea, air and land cargo.

With the country's annual trade volumes exceeding US$22.4 billion*, Kenya TradeNet is a flagship project under Kenya's Vision 2030 programme to position the country as a key trading hub in Africa.  The implementation of the Kenya TradeNet is timely as the system is expected to reduce cargo dwell time at ports, and improve the ease of doing business.

Kenya TradeNet was rolled out to the trading community since November 2013, and officially launched by His Excellency Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, C.G.H., President and Commander in Chief of the Defence Forces of the Republic of Kenya on 2nd May 2014.

The Kenya TradeNet provides a single point of access for the Kenyan trading community to electronically submit and receive approvals from regulatory agencies, enabling easier, faster and more transparent process, providing significant cost savings to the trading community.

Key regulatory agencies such as Kenya Revenue Authority, Kenya Ports Authority, Kenya Maritime Authority, Kenya Airports Authority, Kenya Bureau of Standards, Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services, Department of Veterinary Services, Horticultural Crops Development Authority, Pharmacy & Poisons Board and Port Health (and eventually over 20 partner government agencies) are integrated with Kenya TradeNet. 

Kenya TradeNet is owned and managed by Kenya Trade Network Agency (KenTrade), a State Corporation mandated to implement, operationalise and manage the system. 

"The journey towards modernising our Trade Facilitation system has benefitted from the wealth of knowledge and expertise that CrimsonLogic has brought into this project," said Alex Kabuga, CEO of KenTrade.  "CrimsonLogic is our valuable partner that delivered this challenging project on time, enabling us to positively manage the expectations of our stakeholders and trading community.  

"We are thrilled to see initial benefits of the Kenya TradeNet to our operational efficiency, and encouraged that it is well-received by our stakeholders and trading communities, as they are now able to fully leverage the system to boost our trade and market positioning globally."

Mr Saw Ken Wye, CEO of CrimsonLogic added: "We are extremely honoured to be a key partner to Kenya's eGovernment journey to transform the country's economy and trade, and as a Singapore company, proud to have shared our expertise and experience to support this project.

"As a global leader in Single Window implementations, it is about working with governments that have the foresight and tenacity to drive the necessary reforms and investments to affect positive changes.  I would like to congratulate KenTrade to have taken on the challenge to enrich the lives of citizens and business communities through the Kenya TradeNet project.

"The demand for eGovernment solutions remains strong in African and we will continue to increase our investments there.  Working closely with Singapore organisations like Singapore Corporation Enterprise (SCE), and international organisations such as World Bank and Investment Climate Facility for Africa (ICF), we aim to play a key role in helping our government customers and their citizens to progress to the next level of growth and prosperity."

* Source: CIA World Factbook, based on 2013 trade estimates

About CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd

CrimsonLogic is an organisation that customers globally can trust to deliver world-class eGovernment solutions that creates value for citizens and businesses.  For more than 25 years, CrimsonLogic has collaborated with governments and organisations to drive innovative and sustainable solutions in Trade Facilitation, eJudiciary and eCitizen Services that positively impact lives and communities.  For more information, please visit

Media contact:

Francis Huan
CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd
Tel: +65-6887-7173
Mobile: +65-9820-5994

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