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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

Zuari Cement Setting up a New Cement Grinding Unit in Solapur

PR Newswire | 31 Oct, 2013
Zuari Cement Setting up a New Cement Grinding Unit in Solapur District, Maharashtra

BANGALORE: Zuari Cement Limited is setting up a Cement Grinding Unit at Auj (Aherwadi) and Shingadgaon villages, South Solapur Taluk, Solapur District and have placed the main orders. The unit will have a production capacity of 1 Million tone of cement per annum, expected to be operational by the second quarter of 2015. The unit is designed to double its capacity as part of the future plans to cater to the growing demand in state of Maharashtra, one of  the largest cement consumption centre in the country.

The ground breaking ceremony was held on 30.10.2013. The ceremony was inaugurated by Mr. Nabil Francis, Managing Director, Zuari Cement Limited and attended by  Mr. H S Ramesh, Director - Business Development and Mr. S Sundaram, Vice President -  Projects.

Zuari Cement is focused on providing innovative products and superior marketing and technical support to its customers across the country. The Solapur unit will cater to Zuari Cement's market expansion plans in the southern and western parts of Maharastra.

About Zuari Cement:

Zuari Cement is part of the worldwide Italcementi Group, the fifth largest cement producer in the world. Zuari Cement has a total cement manufacturing capacity of 6.2 Million tons in India, which includes two manufacturing units at Sitapuram and Yerraguntla, along with a grinding centre at Chennai. Zuari Cement is developing a project of 3 million ton per year cement plant in North Karnataka and a large grinding unit is also being erected at Sholapur in Maharashtra.

A captive power plant at Sitapuram with a capacity of 43 MW augments the power capabilities of the company. In line with Groups' global focus on quality and environment, Zuari Cement's manufacturing units are ISO:9001 certified and ISO: 14001 Certified. With over 5% market share in the South Indian cement market and sales of over 249 million Euros in 2012, Zuari Cement has chalked out ambitious plans for the future. This includes strengthening its presence in the Maharashtra, Orissa, W. Bengal and North East markets.

Zuari Cement on the Internet:

Italcementi Group on the Internet:

Primary Media Contact: Jacob Mathew,,, 91-80-41194408

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