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Neuroscience Meets Marketing on December 4th in Mumbai

PR Newswire | 25 Nov, 2013
MUMBAI, India: In 10 days, Brand and digital marketing futurist Martin Lindstrom, author of the New York Times bestseller Buy-ology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy, is heading to Mumbai to deliver his 6-hour, inspiring, award-winning workshop which promises to turn every concept a marketer has learnt about branding and advertising inside-out and upside-down.
Martin Lindstrom has been honoured by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people - the people who most affect our world.

The 'Buy-ology' research which will be unveiled at the Symposium, is the biggest branding revolution in 50 years; the world's largest Neuro-Marketing experiment, scanning 2,000 consumers across 5 countries. The findings from the $7 million study are likely to solve the problem of decreasing returns on ever-increasing advertising expenditure. Buy-ology is fiery, provocative and even shocking. Anyone who wants a competitive edge can't afford to miss this mindboggling 6-hour masterclass.

"A poll of 12,437 people in 56 countries, showed that an astounding 76% of Lindstrom's audience members rate his on-stage performance as excellent. 21% rate it as very good. And 3% hail it as good."

The Global Phenomenon of Marketing, as he has been named by various media, Lindstrom will discuss the future of product placement, sponsorships, viral marketing, subliminal advertising, religious branding and Sensory Branding - topics explored via his Buy-ology study.

Lindstrom's Neuro-Marketing expertise and insights into Branding 2.0 is incomparable. His in-depth presentation will offer any marketer with plans for how to prepare advertising and communication strategies, which take into account 'how to communicate in a world where an average consumer is exposed for more than 2 million TV commercials throughout life -or 3,000 brands per day!'

Fortune 100 companies have given him free rein to revamp marketing strategies, turn markets around, release new products and evaluate their marketing budgets. McDonald's Corporation, Walt Disney Company, PepsiCo, IBM, Nestle, Nokia, Microsoft, Mars and Unilever have all adapted his unusual turnaround approach.

"Martin Lindstrom, one of the branding's most original thinkers, reveals how to break out of the two-dimensional rut of sight and sound, and connect emotionally with all five senses. His book provides data and insights that will surprise even the savviest watcher." - Robert A. Eckert, CEO & Chairman, Mattel Inc.

Senior marketers from Bates CHI & Partners, Britannia, Hindustan Unilever, Fullerton India, JK Helene Curtis (Raymond Group), Kimberly Clark Lever, Nokia, Religare Enterprises, SABMiller, Tata Global Beverages, United Distillers and others have already registered and will be present at the event.  

Buyology Symposium will take place on Wednesday 4th of December 2013 at the Hotel Palladium, Lower Parel in Mumbai. For more information

About UBM India

UBM India is a subsidiary of London Stock Exchange listed UBM plc, which is the second largest independent exhibition organiser in the world. It is the largest trade exhibition organiser in India, responsible for 146 events in across 13 industry verticals across the country. UBM India is the organiser of NGO India which brings together corporates, government and NGOs on a common CSR platform. For further details please visit the UBM India website,

Notes to Editors:

For further information please contact

Ms Rakhi Singh, Marketing Manager, UBM India T: +91(022)6172-7077, e-mail:

Find out more about Buyology Symposium

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