MeraCareerGuide.Com Will Provide Career Counseling for Parents
PR Newswire | 25 Mar, 2013
NEW DELHI: Exams are almost over. Students will be done with their work while the parents would still have worries regarding the admissions. MeraCareerGuide - India's best career counseling platform - has launched an exclusive counseling service for parents in order to help them with the right information and expert advice about their child's career.
Being a parent is always a tough job. Sometimes children listen to you and most times they don't. It becomes even more difficult when it comes to their career. Parents tend to have their own beliefs and so do children, which often leads to poor decision making. This should not happen. Research suggests that if parents actively engage themselves in their child's education, it helps in boosting the performance and confidence of the child.
Career Guidance for Parents has been designed to help parents understand the role they can play in their child's career. The counselors at MeraCareerGuide will provide all the information and necessary measures to be taken after exams. Interaction of parents with the experts from education industry will help them to make informed career decisions.
"In a country like India, most of the career decisions are taken by parents. Therefore, it is very important to engage parents in order to guide the students," said Surabhi Dewra who is the founder and CEO of MeraCareerGuide. "We want parents to understand their role in helping their child to choose a right career path," she further adds.
It's simple. Clicking on the link http://www.meracareerguide.com will take you to the Parents Counseling page.
The whole idea of parents' counseling is to bridge the gap between students and their parents so that collectively they can make smart career choices. It will also help parents overcome the information barrier about modern career options and how to go about them. This innovative model of career counseling is going to benefit students to pursue the field of their interest with great conviction.
About MeraCareerGuide.com
MeraCareerGuide is India's leading online career guidance portal. The experts at MeraCareerGuide address the career concerns of students from all parts of the country and guide them thoughtfully. The psychometric tests designed by the company have been proven to be extremely effective in understanding the thought process of the students.
For more, visit: http://www.meracareerguide.com
Primary Media Contact: Brijesh Bisht, customercare@meracareerguide.com, 91-11-66487704
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