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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

Green Banking in India

PR Newswire | 27 Jul, 2011

NEW YORK, July 27: announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

Green Banking in India

Until a few years ago, most traditional banks did not practice green banking or actively seek investment opportunities in environmentally-friendly sectors or businesses. Only recently have these strategies become more prevalent, not only among smaller alternative and cooperative banks, but also among diversified financial service providers, asset management firms and insurance companies. Although these companies may differ with regard to their stated motivations for increasing green products and services (e.g. to enhance long-term growth prospects, or sustainability principles on which a firm is based), the growth, variation and innovation behind such developments indicate that we are in the midst of a promising drive towards integrating green financial products into mainstream banking. Further, those industries which have already become green and those, which are making serious attempts to grow green, should be accorded priority to lending by the banks. This method of finance can be called as "Green Banking", an effort by the banks to make the industries grow green and in the process restore the natural environment. This concept of "Green Banking" will be mutually beneficial to the banks, industries and the economy. Not only "Green Banking" will ensure the greening of the industries but it will also facilitate in improving the asset quality of the banks in future.

This report is prepared using facts and figures sourced from repository data, primary & secondary research and in-house analysis by eprobe Research team.

Executive Summary

Industry Overview

Review of Green Products & Services

Introduction to Green Banking

Importance of Green Banking

Green Banking- International Initiatives

Green Banking in India

Green Banking Strategies

Climate change and India's response

Banking sector's response to climate change

Environmental management by Banking Institutions

Enforcement of environmental management & Role of Government

Initiatives taken by Indian Banks

A case of SBI green home loans

Key Opportunities

Emerging Market Opportunities

Market Opportunities for Green Financial Products

Industry SWOT

Names of the Industry Bodies

Conclusions and Future Outlook

Market forecast

Success stories


List of charts & tables


Please note; this needs certain updates. We have all the information available but require 5 business days to complete the process and ensure it is as up-to-date as possible for each new purchase.

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Credit and Loan Industry: Green Banking in India

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Nicolas Bombourg

US: (805)652-2626
Intl: +1 805-652-2626

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Green banking in india
Meera Mehta | Thu Sep 13 16:16:04 2012
Would like to read the whole article on green banking in India dated 27th July 2011.Kindly suggest.

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