Reinvent yourself this year
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Pascal Nyasha | 22 Jan, 2013
Re-invention is one of the most important things in a person's life. In life we go through so many experiences and sometimes we emerge relinquished out of them.
In business you can go under and your comeback may look very unlikely. In relationships and marriage bad things happen, maybe your last year was a difficult one. In leadership one gets through so many failures until they achieve success.
In school and in ministry, things may have been difficult. What I want you to know is that it's possible to restore yourself to your previous glory if you master the art of re-invention. Donald Trump saw it fit to write a book on the art of coming back.
How do you come back from humiliation, how do you bounce back from bankruptcy, how do you revive your relations, how do you reclaim your influence as a leader?
Coming back is an art, it's a psychology. Many people think falling is failing. As a result, they stay down upon receiving the least of blows. Re-invention is something you need.
Look at yourself like a brand that has lost its power. We seldom get it right the first time and the difference between those who ultimately succeed and those who fail is in the tenacity.
Life is like fighting a boxing match. You do not lose the match by losing a round. One who separates experiences is one who usually makes it. If you lost it doesn't mean you will lose. If you were a failure, it doesn't mean you remain a failure. If you were poor it doesn't mean you cannot achieve financial success.
It's all in the coming back. It's all in your mind. Doug Mamvura once said that you don't drown by falling on water, but by staying in water. This is a good example of re-invention. When you fall, you are not over yet. You can re-invent yourself. You can start a prosperous life all over again. All you need is to know that you can.
Learn to separate past mistakes from your future. The future is not dependent on what we did, but rather on what we do and are going to do. Your future owes nothing to your past. You can use your presence to influence your future.
Time is the currency of life, do not waste it regretting and blaming yourself and others. Let your focus be on picking yourself up and pursuing what you were created to do without fear of failure.
Failure is a mindset; it has nothing to do with the environment. Progress is what happens when we stop making excuses. When we overcome the victim mentality and bring back the victor in us we usually become a success.
Nature and God give a second chance, but in most cases we ignore it. We become so embarrassed that we stop thinking. We fail to realise that inaction in our embarrassment only worsens it. You would rather appear a fool but changing your situation. It's a sad thing that most of us spent a whole life preventing failure than pursuing success.
The victim in us seeks self-preservation all the time, hence imprisoning us in utter mediocrity. Overcome the "what will people say syndromeâ, and listen to âwhat you are saying in your heart's chambers, what you want."
Mindset changing is one of the most important things about re-invention. You need to ask yourself what really matters to you. Live life on your own terms and shape your own priorities. Change the way you used to do things. Remember wisdom says doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different results is insanity.
In branding, they even change names or colours. What have you changed as a new person? It's like being born again, where one becomes a new creation in Christ Jesus. Change your approach as well, your strategies. Change your habits and behaviour patterns.
Some insects hibernate. Sometimes it's important to take a short break and give everything a second look. Take time to consider your ways. Search for ways to do everything better than before. Learn from the eagle. When it loses its vitality and power because of age, it takes to the top of the cliff, pluck its feathers off and remains there until new ones emerge.
This process may take months, but when new feathers finally grow, it regains its power. This is re-invention. I am talking about renewal here, which in simple terms means making yourself new again. Forget your past disappointments, and whoever let you down. Reclaim you position in life, and start all over again.
There is a chance waiting for you. Your decision today will not only influence how successful you will be, but also how happy you will live. Take the chance, think like a new person. Change your outlook to the world, on yourself, on other and on your circumstances. Everything gets its meaning from you, you have the power to decide, it's your divine gift.
Conquer your old nature and attain a new nature that can support the new you. Old wine skins cannot hold new wine, they burst. Your new goals are incompatible with your old nature. Attain a new identity. Become a new person, new mindset, new outlook, and new habit for new results.
Hope you were inspired and challenged. Achieve a new self before you try to achieve higher goals. Success is in you. True and real success is achieved inside out. Stay inspired and never give up on yourself and your goals. Hope to see you next week. Be the best. Just be the best!
The SME Times Guest Author can be contacted at pascalnyasha@gmail.com.
World of Reinvention
V. S. Jadhav | Wed Jan 23 05:18:38 2013
Re-invention is the only make this world live
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