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Last updated: 31 May, 2016  

Modi.9.Thmb.jpg 2 years of Modi government

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Bikky Khosla | 31 May, 2016
The Narendra Modi government has completed two years in office this month. In May, 2014 it came to power following a massive victory in the Lok Sabha elections and today if we look back it is quite evident that its achievements in these two years really deserve praise. It inherited an ailing economy, which is today in a far better position. Ease of doing business has been improved and there is a continued effort to lay a steady foundation for economic reforms. Also, a proactive foreign policy, which has successfully raised India's profile in the world, as well as a multipronged approach for social and economic upliftment stand out among its crucial achievements.  

When it comes to the health of the economy, by most major indicators — including GDP growth, foreign direct investment, fiscal deficit, industrial production growth, foreign exchange reserves, consumer inflation, rupee's move against the USD, etc.— it is doing much better than it did under the previous government. It should also be noted that a number of steps — including a new bankruptcy code, cut in corporate tax rate and clearing of the retrospective tax mess — are industry friendly. On the flip side, the Centre is still struggling to revive exports and manufacturing, push infrastructure spending and handle the bank NPA challenge, but I think it is unfair to expect overnight solutions to all problems.

The government also needs to be commended for its efforts in pushing the social sector. In this area, I think the most notable achievements include the success of the Jan-Dhan Yojana in driving financial inclusion. In addition, the Centre's emphasis on rapid expansion and deployment of the Aadhaar biometric identification program, which has resulted in decreased wasteful expenditure in the delivery of social scheme benefits, is another successful feat. Similarly,  schemes like Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, Atal Pension Scheme, Krishi Sinchai Yojana, Housing for All, Jan Aushadhi Scheme, and Swachh Bharat Mission also deserve mention. Also, efforts to speed up electrification and road construction in rural areas are encouraging.

Curbing of corruption is another striking success of the Modi government. Today, I think even the biggest critic of the government will agree that corruption at the top level has declined dramatically during the last two years. While the UPA government was tainted by several high-profile corruption charges, often leading to widespread public outrages, the current government has, till now, provided a corruption-free governance. In addition, the Modi government's fight against black money is also commendable and the recent India-Mauritius pact shows its commitment to the cause.

I invite your opinions.
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Government and progress
Robin Gangopadhya | Mon Jun 13 00:28:43 2016
Sir Metrics of performance using corporate style data cannot represent how various groups of people eke out livelihood. Main reason is that such data axiomatically assume resources are there to burn down Nature- witness it in ALL fronts without exception. It also assumes "externalities" are there to exploit no matter who gets trodden down, what gets burnt down,.. it is agnostics about such matters and assumes no costs are involved. If you want a measure of what I am driving at, dig into Bhutan's motto....In a highly exploited population such as India, real measure needs to reflect 1) down trodden peoples' fate. 2) impacts on the above of resource looting and wanton destruction 3) Public health and well-being, sense of safety and sense of security from random violence perpetrated by so-called elites , officials, police, the educated and the caste with manipulating abilities. 4) fairness in education and state of those who are doing the educating. This is obnoxiously primitive and people in charge are fundamentally without sense of integrity and ethics. There is much to be discussed what really is the fundamental composition of "corruption". In some ways, a few pages in Francis Fukuyama's book "Political Order and Political Decay" might also shed light on what I am driving at here. We can discuss further...if you have any space for such critical views.

For further miracle action needs to be taken
vivekanand jha | Fri Jun 10 09:36:02 2016
Dear sir just take a initiative by appointing one person per village for giving information about person right and scheme launched by government. this will educate person to more responsible towards their right and social responsibility.

2 years of Modi Government
SRRS | Fri Jun 10 01:36:32 2016
You said it ! India is much better now both inside & outside.

Divya | Wed Jun 8 03:24:17 2016
I think that a lot of businesses in current scenario are not doing well as Chinese products have taken over our market, ruling over the opportunities for our businessmen... Make in India needs to come in action more strongly than it is right now....

2 Years of Modi Govt
A K Gupta | Tue Jun 7 08:14:18 2016
I feel so proud that we have got a leader like Mr. Modi who is true CEO of India Inc. You have rightly mentioned some of his achievement but there are many more. I wish he remains the PM of India for minimum 20 years and builds our Nation as a super power.

Modi Gov
Ekta | Tue Jun 7 07:30:26 2016
I really appreciate Modiji as he understands the basic problems & acts accordingly .Several actions taken by Modi Gov like Gas connection,Pensioners problem,paperless work promotion etc will slowly slowly change India.However there are lots of field which need improvements. I request Modi Sir not to play any game wit 125crore India janta as other leaders do often & which comes to know after the completion of their government.

2 years of Modi government
A V Chandran | Mon Jun 6 06:02:31 2016
2 years of Modi government In view of continuous crude oil price decreasing return corresponding continuous increasing return of revenue for the country stands established its bona fide economic support subject to continuous decreasing return in inflation for the last 2years. For instance US$ 1/- per barrel decrease in crude oil price will have Rs 1 billion additional revenue per day whereas average decrease of last 2 years stood at US$6 hence corresponding additional revenue for the last 2 years stood at more than Rs. 4000Bn . If we deeply examine economic status of the Nation with this crude oil cost decrease itself, our country could have registered wealthy economic status very much on macro level in comparison to oil producing rich countries hence our country is one of the richest countries in the world with no corresponding developments whereas developed only Oil companies. Hence all the facts and figures indicated in the performance data for the last 2 years could be reviewed once or twice or thrice as all the facts and figures are false whereas Oil Companies could get encouragement to a great extent subject to no encouragement to consumers of Petroleum products. It is the responsibility of concerned Finance Minister to release a white paper on this extra revenue enabling the people of whole Nation aware of the facts and figures thereof.

Taxes on Income
Sagar | Mon Jun 6 05:05:20 2016
Budget is not Anti middle class.Poor are taken care of by freebies and no taxes and rich dont care about taxes as they earn huge salaries. 30% income TAx, 14% ST, vat 7%, additional swatch bharat, Agri, etc tax and two more tax on PPF & EPF. From our tax money Govt offering to reserved category. If Govt requesting to release Subsidy to poor ones then why subsidies are provided to reserved peoples whose income is more than 10Lacs. Govt has to review all the policies.

Good policies of MSEs not implemented by Nationalised banks
vasan | Mon Jun 6 04:33:38 2016
Policies for MSEs are very good. But banks ignore or find excuses for not implementation of the policies. Statutory machinery as well as independent audit involving government officials to enforce implementation of government policies is a must.

Still Inflation, High Taxes & Corruption at all levels is major concerns
Deepak Shrivastava | Sun Jun 5 13:18:28 2016
The 2 years' job is commendable which will give results in long term. but following areas require immediate attention to benefit the common Middle & lower Class: 1. High Inflation/ Prices are soaring due to high taxation & High cost of fuel/Transportation 2. Taxes are high. solution is not just increasing Service Tax every time & adding the cess. Need to reduce Govt. un productive expenditure & reduce taxes Service Tax Uniform to 10% No additional cess/surcharge. 3. Corruption is still very high in all levels ( Modi Govt able to control on top level) but corruption is high making the business and life of common man miserable. Finally improve infrastructure.

Apreciation for the targetted work
Ranga Rao Manduva | Sun Jun 5 12:11:59 2016
It is a good targeted and planned work of Mr. ModiJi to bring all the neighboring countries in to good relations, to stat- with and building up global relations and profitable dealings for the benefit of the country. Building a balance of power on the globe, pro-acting on the environmental issues and make-India and Swatch-Bharath, Beti-Bachav and non-currupt government are his own specialitis. Hats-Up to you, Mr. ModiJi. Education system- both School, college and technical leval has to be targeted for character building, National Character and for cultural heritage preservation and to make one a respectable person for his qualities.

Congratulations to Shri Modi !
soman | Sun Jun 5 09:03:49 2016
Its true that there is a change we all could see in different sectors in the last 2 years. I urge Shri Modi ji to simultaneously address the prolonging issues of our farmers, fishermen and labour class. This is very important. He has to take care of them in all aspects to sustain growth of the industries.. Further, in recent past women safety has been on declining trend. Somehow stringent measures to be implemented to ensure safety for women and girl child..

New Dictatorship in coal sector
R | Sun Jun 5 06:12:56 2016
I am not a critic of Govt but one specific sector is going in a reverse direction. Even though some good ground work is visible related to Coal India, but their greed to charge 35% higher from industry has forced CIL to reduce production while industry is forced to spend Forex for coal import. The Indian coal cost at pithead is double of China on purchase price parity Various taxes add upto 52% and after Modi's Govt, Environment tax of Rs.400/- adds another 52% thus making Indian coal 4-times costly. Now Coal Ministry is planning Coal linkages to be auctioned - sheer profiteering Under Govt. monopoly the only available benchmark is "Import Landed Price". But that will make Indian coal costlier by 6-8 times. This goes just against "Indian Global Competitiveness" & "Make In India" Legally speaking this policy goes against laid down constitutional provisions i.e. the cancellation of existing linkages (promissory estopple) and profiteering (profits beyond justified commercial sustenance) and discrimination (between small Captive Power & large Independent power producers) and equitable distribution of national resources (because many will be priced out & deprived of getting Indian coal)... list is long Despite explaining above points to Coal Ministry, if they decide to go ahead with a new policy of linkage-auctions, it is nothing short of New Dictatorship

2 years of Modi government
Sanjay Singh | Sun Jun 5 03:44:15 2016
Excellent work as on Today, Request you to make the Single window system for any Govt work, connect all India police department, Court, IT Department, Pass Port Dept etc.

2 years of Modi Governement
Deepka Chhatwal | Sat Jun 4 06:14:12 2016
I being NRI, appreciate Modi ji as a Great man of India, since last 60 years no Prim Minister has ever visited any country to maintain the good relations,World know the name India very well, now world know that India is changed and coming up out of the clutches of Gandhi Family. People out of INDIA have full appreciation for Modi Ji, Keep it up, all the best for future.

Mukesh Vijay | Sat Jun 4 05:55:05 2016
You appreciate industrial growth but what about middle class who suffer lot lot tax burden even in c class or d class town,it should categorise by the population wise tax. no employment increase, no focus on infrastructure.

PM.Modi G:- Congratulation !!!
Santanu Kumar Dora | Sat Jun 4 04:34:44 2016
Outstanding work Modi G. You are the real hero of the Nation. We always support you.....

Abut govet
C.K | Fri Jun 3 20:34:52 2016
The benefit is only for big business personalities like Ambani and so on, the condition of poor people is very worse and pathetic. The price of essential commodities going high and high. The price petrolium products are increasing day by day while global phenomena are downward.

RAHUL DAS | Fri Jun 3 07:58:26 2016

No progress for people of India but financial progress for current government people .

2 years of Modi Govt
Sunil Nair | Fri Jun 3 06:28:23 2016
Yes! indeed it is a great achievement of Modi and his team under his guidence. I am sure more will be achieved in the coming years by this Govt. I only wish they get a majority in the Rajya Sabha to achieve their goals faster. Only a request is that Modi should ask the fringe elements to shut their bad mouth and bad acts, which spoils the outward image of this excellent Govt & Modiji.

Engineer Kanagaraj | Fri Jun 3 06:26:38 2016
Sir, everything is said and done. But if you see today's scenario the labour under MGREGS is not properly utilized. It can be utilized for serving the agricultural work. Due to shortage of labour and high cost, no one ready to do the farming.Kindly look into this. In our place in Tamil Nadu, Vellore Dist, Tirupattur Taluk, labours are idly sitting in the lake next to my MSME mango pulp company and no one is ready to come for work since they are getting their wages without doing any work. Is it not possible to utilize around 43K crores of money in a better manner. We had great expectations when you were voted to become PM. But after seeing all these expenditures we are thinking whether we have done the right thing. We thought you will improve the democracy. But in front your eyes colossal mount of money is given to voters. Is it possible to bring some legislation to stop this phenomenon. Huge amount of corruption is taking place and is affecting the common man. Without money nothing moves.Our elected Governments are keeping mum on this issue. I will really appreciate if you can review and consider my above suggestions you will become one of Tallest Leader of India. God Bless You.

Love what you are doing!!
shruti | Fri Jun 3 06:23:10 2016
But if we need to reduce corruption we need to protect whistle blowers please amend whistle blowers act and also regarding powers that police has, police needs to concentrate on work that they need to do also there should be awareness regarding citizens rights and duties.

Present BJP govt.
M Ramakrishna | Fri Jun 3 06:12:55 2016
It will take few more months for senior citizens like me who are nor happy for not being given consideration in any of the Govt. policies I would wait and watch to make any comment. As of now it's no for me

Poor and down troddens deprived
Jadumani hansdah | Fri Jun 3 06:03:14 2016
In last 2 yrs Modi govt has done some comendable jobs i.s GDP growth, FDI etc. However the real problems for the citizens are not yet touched. Like education, medical, employment and farmers.Education has become a business now. It is very difficult for Middle/ lower class people to educate their children with sky undue sky rising education cost. Forget about the rural people ( 70% people), they can never think of education to their children. Hence they are hardly eligible to educate their children in good schools.So where is right to education ???. Similarly the medical / hospital facility which has become business centre. we do not have good govt hospital. Always we have to rely on private hospital. Middle/ lower class people cannot effort to get treatment. So again they are deprived medical facilities. Employment is a big problem. We have never seen the new scope of employment in last 3 years neither in govt sector or private sector.Many Engineers/ graduates are deprived of employment, hence they indulge in unsocial activities. Farmers problems is biggest problem.They do not have mentors in farming.Neither the NGOs or Govt looks after their grievances. Similarly there are many core & burning problems around us.So what is point to celebrate on rise is GDP or economy growth.It does not make any sense. First Modi govt has to prove the difference from Congress govt. Lets hope for the best.

Two years of Modi Govt.
somansu sekhar das | Fri Jun 3 05:22:11 2016
Modiji is a die-heart fighter and committed to uniform growth. He has with him RSS network and indigenous business community. If the people outside these ambit proactively participate in the growth process, days are not far away when Bharat will be considered as a world power.

Nationalised Bankings
K.Mathisekaran | Fri Jun 3 04:50:16 2016
All long term plannings are excellent. Some error in dealing with Agri loan.The Normal Agri Loan is 7 %, where as because of error of Finance ministry,the Nationalised Bank Indian Banks charging 12% for Agri customers against their Agri Loans.While taking with Banking ombudsman, those people says it is not coming with sub class 3 0f clause 9 and clause 8.Scopes available for improvements.

2 yrs Modi government
Mithran | Fri Jun 3 03:30:13 2016
Too early to comment but Two years have moved in the positive direction.Investment from abroad will increase and NRIs and of Indian origin will should feel secure to invest. In India, it should not be that NRIs build up Industries but some one takes away the property by using it. The owner should have what he purchased/invested and not the user by enjoying the investment for many years.

Two years of event management
Jamil Arshad | Fri Jun 3 02:37:17 2016
In 2014 LS polls this management turned to be a successful event not because of the Modi wave but more because of the failure of Congress on several fronts including the failure to reach out to the people to tell them many result oriented policies. BJP starting from the campaign made several promises and if those promises and their manifesto is the test questions for their success then it is failed miserably despite the favourable global economic conditions. Rozi,roti,kapra,dawa,makan,education,foreign policy,commodity price everything has become worse from bad. All these two years the nation witness in the country terror of some fanatics with a particular theme of destroying peace and harmony of the nation without being subjected to due trial and punishment. This government is still not sure about the priorities of the nation and therefore has no plans to achieve/fulfill achche din which brought them to power. Rail and road are the only area where things are improving otherwise there is much to regret.

JARS | Fri Jun 3 01:35:18 2016
India was in the red zone when it comes to economy when the present government took over. Reason is rampant corruption at all levels. One of the best things Modi did is to get the central government employees to come to work in time. Secondly the efforts made to continue with the aadhaar card system is commendable. Nobody commented here about the efforts made by this Govt. to implement GST? I am wondering why the opposition is stalling this? There are lots of people friendly scheme out here. However, what is never explained properly is the high petrol / diesel prices. The finance ministry is definitely a sore area in this govt. Modi should also fight a lot of bad elements within the party. How is he going to remove these people in order to continue his clean image. While I am punching my views, I also read that a train was operated exclusively for the convenience of a Mahajan. Such people never change and should be expelled from the political system

John | Fri Jun 3 00:58:41 2016
Do you think that India will be able to continue with 7.5% growth in GDP if the crude oil price shoots up to 100 dollars per barrel. It is a universal fact that, when the oil price remains low, GDP will grow. It is not rocket science. How many people got RS 15 lakhs from Swiss bank ?

S. Nair | Fri Jun 3 06:36:03 2016
Dear John, One should work hard to earn Rs 15 Lakhs, instead of waiting to get it free from the Swiss bank. You should be ashamed.

2 Years of Modi's Governance
VBR prasad | Thu Jun 2 17:58:14 2016
Whatever it claims to have achieved is correlated with the same old Congress reign. No doubt Jan dhan yojana is commendable. Swacha Bharath - a program which is very much ill defined, rather it's not defined at all of its strategies. Gas subsidy withdrawals and provision to poor is commendable. Corruption free at top level. What does it mean??? Common man is not a sufferer if the corruption is nil at top level.... Even if someone counter argues my feelings, what about the BJP claiming that 'things can not be changed overnight'... The cost of all essential commodities increased by more than twice. What's it the Modi's govt. is doing??? Like Congress govt. BJP is equally neglecting the common man, even the middle class people are suffering. It's not difficult to control the prices of all essential commodities. It does n't need years of time. It's a matter of policy to be framed and implemented. None of the opposition parties can dare to vote against such policies...

2 years of NDA governence
sabesan Natesan | Thu Jun 2 15:35:37 2016
Hope this tempo will continue and hats of to all concerned

2 Years of Modi Governance
Nimish Desai | Thu Jun 2 12:49:42 2016
Aptly highlighted the Govt. proactive approach to address burning issues of our Nation that had demoralized one and all. While, Modi Ji has worked hard to clean up the mess and has earned high respects too, I have an important suggestion to make; Taking further from successful voluntary LPG surrender scheme, Govt should opt for Donation money from People / Organizations / Industries against specific cause and social welfare, rather than opting for "Tax-Raj". While doing so, Govt. is likely to defuse unwarranted anger and unintentional fund diversions too. Such short term drives will also invite greater participation from people for Nation Building and will loyalty in return. Also, it means better utilization of available funds, greater transparency and above all higher accountability from bureaucracy.

Nendra Modis achievement
Bhavin | Thu Jun 2 12:41:19 2016
Sirji Where are the figures. One major failure 0.5% hike in name of swachata kar and 0.5% in name of Krishi Kar. Extreme hike of price of eatables and utlility like electricity water etc. Where you see development sir.

RESERVATION in competition & promotions is a major loophole for Economic issues
Prabir Mukherjee | Thu Jun 2 12:36:02 2016
Every where it is found that govt is trying to collect money from normal public in terms of various types of tax. How ever every one think for either below middle class or higher class. But no one for middle class. Still a lots of people are getting undue advantages of govt policies. RESERVATION on competitions & Promotions is still a big reason for corruption,faith on govt. and black money for the young generation mostly of middle class. But our govt is still not have any focus on this. RESERVATION should be limited to only generation of a family or max two members of a family.

Modi celebration and needs ?
Azad | Wed Jun 1 17:50:13 2016
Modi G is New God in some so called bhakt and may identify themselves by abusing women and people with different opinions ; as true Indian too. There is nothing strange whether they would like to say he is underachiever as per his caliber. Although real economy reports and even RBI have already issue several warning signals and still more than 2/3rd population still under the poverty lines. Farmers earn Rs 1 for per 1000 Kg of onion sell but price in the retail market are 20 rs/kg, So, this is also a big reason for Modi govt to celebrate his governance on the ashes of high suicidal body of these farmers. The condition of economy and its people are pathetic , BJP still getting favour of congress anti-incumbency factor to safe his head from these things. Price of petrol and diesel are raised by Rs 10 in this month but is this a good sign when we stop protesting on such issues. Why don't the taxes should revert back to the earlier level, which were hiked when price were v down to maintain any fluctuation in it in the future. A govt always want to enjoy the celebration even when it perform worst. As per duty of citizen we must evaluate govt on the agenda what they promised earlier before election. There were no corruption reported during UPA-1 but they were caught only when it was UPA-2 while BJP only spent 2 yrs here and a lot of controversy they earned including direct help to Lalit Modi(even try to proof he was innocent, great joke) well, this can happen only in India.

Reduction in Interest rates for Senior Citizen saving Scheme
Ashok Puri | Wed Jun 1 12:42:34 2016
The recent reduction in interest rates for Senior Citizen Saving Schemes has come as a shock to most seniors as it was one source of income for better standard of living after retirement. They consider the Finance Minister as a yellow livered rascal who under pressure from Trade Unions rolled back the interest rate in EPF but knowing that the Senior Citizens or the girl child cannot fight back, has stooped so low as to deprive the elderly of our country the means for a decent retired life. The reduction in interest rates for the SCSS and Sukanya scheme should be reversed immediately and interest made tax free if they hope to return to power in the next elections. Failure to do so will result in a debacle of the governments interest in every forthcoming contest where the deprived have the power to vote. The Finance Ministry should take into account the high premiums seniors have to pay for Health Insurance which for the 1st 4 years do not cover pre existing diseases leaving them to incur heavy medical expenses which erode their savings further and deprive them of a decent standard of living.

  Re: Reduction in Interest rates for Senior Citizen saving Scheme
Sunil Nair | Fri Jun 3 06:46:28 2016
I totally agree with Mr. Puri. Reduction in interest rates for senior citizens is unpardonable. This has to be reversed immediately as this is the only source of income they have. I would rather say that the interest rate should be increased yearly as per the inflation rate for them to sustain.

AJEET N KULKARNI. | Wed Jun 1 12:27:26 2016
I congratulate the Modi govt for excellent governance during the last two years. Jhan dhan,Fasal bhima yojana,Make India, swatch bharat controlled grip on fiscal . Overseas investment flow is all time high during this period. Some more reforms are required on agriculture front.We must tackle farmers problems on high pitch to arrest their suicide attempt. Foreign policies & relations are improved upon, after hectic visit by Modiji.We are very proud to have such dedicated leader, who is working hard to bring back glorious days. we all must support the govt for betterment of Indian economy, culter,Glory,Commitment,etc.

Suresh sharma | Wed Jun 1 11:00:10 2016
Our Respective Prime Minister jee is a Gem I t has been proved . I as a common layman request our government to do maximum for down rutted public which shall be clearly visible so that second term shall show fruits for development of India.

Very disappointed
Virendra Dave- Gujarat | Wed Jun 1 09:46:53 2016
Very disappointed, leadership failed. Past two years are mirror. Nothing different between congress rulers & bjp rulers. Voters are cheated repeatedly. Inflation and corruption are at pick level. For bjp to be in power was the only aim/goal. All data are baseless. Please we are not expecting more drama from leaders. Ground level reality are different from your claims & data projected.

2 years of Modi Govt.
schanda | Wed Jun 1 09:28:42 2016
All that you say may be high flown and commendable and let them pat themselves. What has Modi Govt. done for the safety of people within Delhi, which you say is mostly controlled by them, with the AAP govt. simply a standby spectator! What has happened to the Judiciary - which is most corrupt in India. Why are cases dragging on for years, with lawyers making money. Do you know how much a lawyer charges for consultation -- not less than 2000/- Do you think people in India can afford these astronomical fees? Lower down, the Govt. remains corrupt as ever-- maybe the top ones are the clean ones-- we expect that only. Defense preparedness is at an all time low-- you do not have ammunition nor fighters in the air and your neighbors can wipe you clean any moment. Juvenile atrocities are mounting and the Govt. is speaking of rehabilitation of those-- find out how many have been reformed and then see the figures. All persons doing adult crimes, be it a 12 yr.old boy should be chemically castrated and paraded in his neighborhood or he should be maimed so that he can never do such work, ever. There is no fear of the Police, since they are controlled by the Politicians, who can overturn any of their decisions-- this is a farce going on. Banks are unable to book offenders and Loan defaulters because of poor implementation of rules. Large offenders are merely sitting pretty abroad and showing you their middle finger and you are just helpless. This is height of inactivity.

V C Mehta | Wed Jun 1 09:20:21 2016
What Mr. Modi Can do for the seeds planted by past corrupt governance. We have already lost more than five decades hence request to strengthen the good governance the way we can. Thanks for promoting the said newsletter.

2 years of Modi Govt.
Nirmal Banerjee | Wed Jun 1 06:09:13 2016
Dissociate with Hinduism..That is the job for religious leaders not for politicians.. and by all means Humanism is better than any other religion..Hindu,Muslim or Christian. 2.Get rid of incompetent Ministers.. Smriti Irani by no means deserves to be education Minister. Stick to truthfulness and democracy..not short term benefit...Let Truth prevail not your party... Concentrate on what best you can do without paying any concern what RSS says.. You are a strong man and a man of strong will and determination..You can only do this.Ensure that you be remembered as by your deeds.. Narshima Rao and Manmohon Sing will last in the History not Sonia Gandhi or Rajib Gandhi.. Do something which may lead you to loose your seat in the parliament but make your seat permanent in the heart of the people. Place humanity above religion.. you have already lost enough ground on that. And introduce GST without any further delay.. Fight it strong.. we rae with you.

2 years of Modi government
SETU PATEL | Wed Jun 1 05:14:30 2016

Escess advertisement
CA DHARMENDRA JAIN | Wed Jun 1 03:54:18 2016
Common man don't want so much of advertisement of same thing whereas even they were not fill major change in last two year because it will take time to reach last level . "ATI SARVATRA VARJAYATE" We have very bad experience of feel good factor. If govt. done good than its should be from public mouth not Govt. advertisement and now public knows that it will from their money only.

Tell the true story
Amit | Tue May 31 19:59:58 2016
Tell the true story , don't publish without checking reality

Best ever PM in Independent India
n p s | Tue May 31 18:34:46 2016
If this kind of government India should have been got 70 years back, then India could have been an Developed country by now.

Congratulation for success 2 yrs. of NDA Govt.
Mukesh Kumar Aanand | Tue May 31 17:52:13 2016
Congratulation to establish GDP Growth Rate @ 7.9% within 2 yrs. Modi Jee, only 1 hope GST for perfect growth of our Bharat.Hope NDA will complete this in next session of house. All Bhartiyan now feel betterment than last govt. You and your ministers are much respected for our national development.

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