Corruption watch
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Bikky Khosla | 02 Aug, 2016
In a first, India's corruption watchdog Central Vigilance Commission is working on an 'integrity index' to help government departments assess where they stand on anti-corruption measures. The plan was revealed first in May this year and according to last week media reports, a few premier business schools are in the race to conduct the study. The selected agency will be required to complete the assignment, which will cover 25 departments and other state-run bodies, in 12 months. It will also be required to submit a five-year draft road map for the integrity index on the lines of Transparency International, a global civil society organization to combat corruption.
The NDA government came to power in May 2014, and it has proven itself on the corruption front to a great extent, with no major corruption cases brought against any high level government officials or ministers since then. But corruption is still rife in the system. Just look at the latest figures submitted by the CVC before Parliament that show that corruption complaints have climbed to 40,517 between January and June this year from 32,149 received during the last year, a rise of about 8,000 over last year. I think everyone will agree that what this data gives here is just the tip of the iceberg. We all know how deep the malaise of corruption has entered into the public offices, and in the background of this the CVC decision is a welcome one.
I think it is clear that we are in dire need of a cleansing mechanism. Over the decades, corruption has become a part of our administrative culture. According to Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2015, India is not making much progress in this respect. The country ranked 76 out of 167 countries in 2015, scoring 38 on a scale of 100, where first place means the least corruption. In 2013 and 2012, we scored 36. So, the situation may be better today, but it is still bad and we still need to do a lot to curb corruption, not just at the top level but at every level, from top to bottom, in our public administration.
Meanwhile, the Parliament recently passed an amendment to the Lokpal law, which had been enacted after decades of demand. It has come as a shock to many, particularly the hurry in which the amendment bill was passed. As per the amendments, employees of the Central government and executives of NGOs are exempted from filing details of assets and liabilities of their spouses and dependent children. Also, the amendments remove the clause related to making public the declarations by a public servant about his assets and liabilities. In other words, our public servants will not be directly accountable to the people.
I invite your opinions.
Correct corruption
S.Doss | Wed Aug 31 05:02:43 2016
The punishment should be high.Trail and judgement should be with lesser time frame,not more than 6 months.Not only the officers but also the ministers behind corruption should be punished.Separate courts needed with simple laws.Max one appeal.If the judgement is wrong the judge also to be punished.Officers should be given powers to eradicate this at base level with a rider that punishment will be their for wrong actions
Corruption is cencer for India.
Sunil Shah | Tue Aug 16 04:55:31 2016
Almost all the efforts of the Govt. and citizens have been failed to control Corruption. Govt has no strong willingness to control it. Only NGOs. can do it. NGOs must educate youth to fight against corruption and crime. NGOs can recruits and give employment to the youth as "Social activist". His/ Her full time job will be to work removing corruption and crime on behalf of Society. NGOs. will pay them regularly for their full time job. Initially we must target to remove corruption from Judiciary system and help people to get justice in time. We must study judiciary system on other developed countries also.
In support of your article
Nasset Chingmak | Mon Aug 15 13:31:35 2016
What you published is cent percent right. Corruption still alive. Like you said, Corruption is our administrative culture. No political party will be able to wipe out corruption except one solution as and when Nuclear war begins, the corruption will die along with every existing creatures and politicians. The word CORRUPTION is known well to the person who is undergoing research and experiencing the system of governance.
make complin against corrupted people and please stop to support them
parita patel | Wed Aug 10 11:18:05 2016
government have to make fast step against corrupted people ......but experience is that ....no one are taking step against them so government hv to make fast process against corrupted officer ....so they are fear less to ask for money.....khule aam paise mangte he .....in ahmedabad vat department is fully correpted they are ask for money for procedure of vat number as well so really take action against them...they are not come for spot visit and telling to client come at my office and sumbit document for spot visit and give money
Corruption Watch.
S.Jeganathan | Thu Aug 4 18:17:02 2016
It is very shameful to note that India ranks in 76th place out of 167 countries as per Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2015. In such a position, giving exemptions to the spouses and dependent children of the Central Government employees and the executives of NGOs from declaring their assets and liabilities will certainly aggravate the corruption practice further more as they will do all such unauthorized business and other illegal income generating practices in their names. What is wrong in declaring their details in order to combat with corruption practices?
Corruption - Breathing Trouble of India
Darshit | Thu Aug 4 09:57:22 2016
Due to corruption, we are not able to move forward though we deserve. Good educated and creative Indians are happy to stay abroad, to live in clean administrative country rather than in India. We are really loosing that part of progress. If we want to make our India, best country in the world, need to adopt self discipline, in all levels of administration. Due to Corruption, we do not get right product at right price. " Raja Jaisi Praja " People follow their King. If King is honest, people become honest. Crores of Rupees in cash with Government servants, but only 1 or 2% came out by legal steps. But who cares. Need to recover black money from government officers who are corrupted.
N.N.SHARMA I | Wed Aug 3 14:29:51 2016
This movement should be converted in mission as follow: 1-All toll tax collecting booths are awarded contracts to area vise M.P and MLA's these leaders getting benefits from them. 2-State govt.officers are also required to be included to disclosed their properties. 3- Tax liabilities to be submit by all whosoever income should be declared to result this credit and debit of daily income should be transparent. 4-No of taxes other than income tax should be reduced. 5- Rate of unemployment should be reduced "Right to employment" should be implemented
Against Corruption
Lucky | Wed Aug 3 13:09:06 2016
Police on highways have got your vehicle picture to show you speed limit overspending but system does not note your Vehicle number and send you challan for offence. You are taken on side and by traffic police told 4 times the amount of penalty you have to pay after certain days coming from your city to any mileage you have to travel to pay off the penalty. They are least bothered of your budgeted life. A common gets afraid and pays half or quarter of fake penalty told you to get your heat attacked. Honest man is not able to work in office because he can manage bread butter, Education and other priorities of his life but can't spend on his senior officers to get him in job peacefully. Senior too need juniors who corrupt people to full fill their seniors demands. It shall good if you see movie"Gali Gali Chor hai"
Authority to take quick action against Corruption
K D | Wed Aug 3 09:33:51 2016
Please tell me who is the highest authority or authorities who on getting name of corrupt persons will take quick actions against them (including government top officers / ministers in state (Gujarat) and Center (India). If we want to start a movement against Corruption who is the authority to give us protection .
Corruption move
Rajan Bhaskaran Pillai | Wed Aug 3 08:05:30 2016
It's an absolute demand of common man for our country's benefit, we vote and bring to them on power ( any party) its their responsibility to the nation and the people to protect their value at all measures .. in that sense all public servant INCLUDING POLITICIAN should under the law for the declaration for their asset and their income to declare in concern sources as per the requirement and policy of our country. other than that our nation cannot clean up easily... i hope NDA government do the needed in this matter.. i have no hope on Sonias or Rahuls governance, this could possible or they do better, and as a Indian citizen i strongly support for uniform civil code to apply in our country's benefit for all indian are equal.. don't put religion in our country's progress... religion should stay out of the governance if we have a strong regulation in our country
None shall be exempted in Lokpal law
Saanjiv | Wed Aug 3 07:18:59 2016
It is clear that maximum politicians and Government officials are minting money by corruption from public. Small Businessman and common man might get some benefit or get rid of problem occurred by government officials by bribe, which too can be resolved if one law is there for all. But big giants are paying bribe and getting more benefits from official by which actually our routes are getting affected.Till High middle class new Generation is migrating to other countries for much secure business and job possibilities.In police station Constable reacts like highest officer of police even if you have court orders with you. In Municipal Corporation dealing officer is busy with recommended letters of politicians or with the person have huge size of pocket. In Tehsils a Patwari in not less than CM of the state. If you don't pay he shall miss your property which you might not find for life time in documents. Oh India.
S Kumaraguru | Wed Aug 3 06:51:00 2016
At lease teach children the value of straight forwardness in life and to hate abuse of power at any level. A drastic step by all can definitely pave way for following or adhering to strict discipline in public places. A fear for a heavy punishment should be inculcated in the minds of public servant..pl see the results in some countries.. A thorough investigation by honest people at a very great speed could bring wonderful results.. the honest investigators should be well equipped and protected to proceed..as the need of the hour is only cleanliness in public life.
Corruption watch
RAJAGOPAL | Wed Aug 3 06:47:26 2016
In my opinion the roots for corruption are in the following situations. i. Deviation from the law/set processes -leading to the deviant to seek favors to overlook the same. ii. Compliant - yet want speed of processing or jumping the queue i. above can be overcome by getting more transparent with rules and regulations, education and stringent punishments to deviants ii. above can be overcome by automation, transparency.
Public servant must be accountable
AADHIAGILAN | Wed Aug 3 06:36:03 2016
It useless if our public servants are not the directly accountable to the people. Message as read _Why Indians are Corrupt_ For introspection....! Indians are Hobbesian (Culture of self interest) Corruption in India is a cultural aspect. Indians seem to think nothing peculiar about corruption. It is everywhere. Indians tolerate corrupt individuals rather than correct them. No race can be congenitally corrupt. But can a race be corrupted by its culture? To know why Indians are corrupt, look at their patterns and practices. Firstly: Religion is transactional in India. Indians give God cash and anticipate an out-of-turn reward. Such a plea acknowledges that favours are needed for the undeserving. In the world outside the temple walls, such a transaction is named a 'bribe'ÂÂ. A wealthy Indian gives not cash to temples, but gold crowns and such baubles. His gifts can not feed the poor. His pay-off is for God. He thinks it will be wasted if it goes to a needy man. In June 2009, The Hindu published a report of Karnataka minister G. Janardhan Reddy gifting a crown of gold and diamonds worth Rs 45 crore to Tirupati. India's temples collect so much that they don't know what to do with it. Billions are gathering dust in temple vaults.
Vasant Karelia | Wed Aug 3 06:35:18 2016
To get rid from this menace we should bring transparency in all government, semi-government, public limited firms,private limited firms,all institutions, NGOs, and all other organizations etc.etc. Give proper guidance through social media, documentaries, seminars, signages, concerts,academic lectures & other means of public relations for Ethical values in human life and best moral practice in dealing with person to person. Whistle blowers and anti corruption crusaders should be awarded & rewarded publicly.From creche level to university level we should give appropriate education for clean & bona-fide personality development.
Take actions...
kaushal | Wed Aug 3 06:22:08 2016
Lets start to act to remove corruption today....it may take 10, 15, 20 or more years to be a corrupt free country. But a step is necessary than just talking...
Investigation takes too long time
Rajesh | Wed Aug 3 05:57:36 2016
Investigation time take too long time. Then case take years together court then appeal, etc. Whatever investigation is made , case should be finished in couple of months and to be punished immediately. After that you may go unfinished portion of investigation. In ministers, MLAs MPs, it should be court martialed. They should be ashamed off and should be ready for investigation immediately. If anybody make any allegation or a comment he himself should show all papers/etc. Otherwise people forget all this and assume that no punishment will happen. At least start one fresh case of a MP, MLA or minister and finish in a month.
Rajesh Mittal | Wed Aug 3 05:55:18 2016
Unless we ourselves stop supporting corruption, we cant do any thing. Government should delegate unnecessary functions to the NGOs or Educational institutions and public participation should be increased.
Christopher Wilson Fernandes | Wed Aug 3 05:17:51 2016
Corruption can NEVER be removed from India. The people involved in this are (starting from the top) 1. The Prime Minister 2. All Chief Ministers 3. All Ministers 4. All Politicians 5. Overwhelming majority of central and state government employees 6. Majority of Bureaucracy 7. 100% of all the Top Industrial houses in India. When all the Law makers are corrupt there is NO way that they will ever do what is necessary to remove corruption in India.
Yashwant Mali | Wed Aug 3 05:09:31 2016
Yes, agree above story. Unless there is improvement on education system, healthcare system where government needs to provide services at affordable costs, level of corruption will not reduce. Corruption is more as money givers are equally responsible that they may be giving unwillingly. So the is basic needs to be provided to common man by government. In case of corruption the money should be collected from such person and credited to government account.
Corruption level in India
Jayaraman.K | Wed Aug 3 04:56:30 2016
It is good that present government is trying to control corruptions in India. It is possible by improving administration.
Corruption Galore
Anonymous | Wed Aug 3 04:21:27 2016
Sir, I want to be brief. The major corruption spots are: 1.All the Sub Registrars' offices where collection of bribe is routine and well oiled. 2. All RTO's offices. 3. Check posts at state borders are money collection centers. 4.Medical Colleges that collect huge sums from hapless students for admission. 5. Educational institutes fleece money from the public for admission and thereafter under many headings. 6.Police that is supposed to bell the cats. They demand money at every step. They threaten people with dire consequences if bribe is not paid. Filing and FIR is a "Fight Indefinitely for Rights" 6. Ministers, Government Officials are guilty of taking bribes as if it is their right. If any government institution does not know who the culprits are and which departments are most corrupt then they may close their shop and save money. spent on it to 'cleanse' the system! This country has gone to dogs. It has crossed the line irrevocably. The cancer is all over. Lokpals , Lokayuktas, Judges, Law Makers are all in the muddle of corruption. People in high positions with HUGE unaccounted assets go scot free with " Clean Chit on ALL counts"! Sad that our country has gone to dogs. Sir Winston Churchill who rightly thought that we could never govern our country must be giggling in his grave laughing must be laughing at us in his grave. God Save India.
Re: Corruption Galore
Jayaram | Wed Aug 3 08:43:55 2016
Total agree
Corruption in PSUs
Sangeetha | Wed Aug 3 03:19:42 2016
There is no clarity about dealing with corruption in PSUs. For eg when to complain? Should a person complain at the mere flouting of procedure or only if they have proof of money changing hands. Also the vigilance dept officials should be from other govt depts. Same officials in the organisation working for vigilance will never take any action against their colleagues.
Shiv Prasad | Wed Aug 3 03:17:17 2016
But still we have to pay some amount to govt. official to execute or work otherwise they will raise any objection.
S.S.Sindhu | Wed Aug 3 02:45:46 2016
The biggest corruption is delay in passing legal application for various government permissions required, weather it is for sale of licenced weapon, permission to buy land, application for any type of subsidy from any government department. Excuses: Sir has not come to office, he on annual leave, he has gone temporary posting, oh! Sir he has been transferred. These are few examples.
Satya Paul | Wed Aug 3 01:14:45 2016
Not adequate measures to tackle corruption has been taken by government. All source of services shall be made private with minimum or nil control. Make computerized land record. Electricity, water supply, house tax collection shall be all private. Govt. set the guidelines only. Medical Health make it partly under ppp model. We must be the number one in getting rid of corruption.
Corruption Watch
Srikanth | Wed Aug 3 00:25:26 2016
Just because we have no information on any major corruption scam does not mean there is no major corruption. Only thing is that the new government is smarter. Big corruption is being carried on very carefully so as not to get exposed and having learnt lessons from the dumb ways previous government did it. That is all . Otherwise why there should be increase in cases with CVC? Lower rung officials are channels contributing to bigger corruption. We cannot be fooling ourselves by quoting Transparency International's figures. Corruption cannot be eliminated( like poverty). Should we legalise it ? It is endless discussion. Pay them well and let them not be official beggars (looking for alms ). Amend the inheritance law so that no government servant can leave any inheritance to his offsprings.
Re: Corruption Watch
Kaushal | Wed Aug 3 06:20:44 2016
Lets start to act to remove corruption today....it may take 10, 15, 20 or more years to be a corrupt free country. But a step in necessary than just talking...
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