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Last updated: 26 Sep, 2014  

CountTHMB.jpg MSME census - active co-operation of MSMEs need of the hour

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Bikky Khosla | 27 May, 2008

What struck me most is the fact that even the best government initiatives end up in the spam if we don't participate in its execution. The ongoing census of MSMEs that started on May 12 is a case in point, with most enterprises unaware that such a census was underway.

Now, the benefits of the census are very impressive. The census will go a long way to not only gauge how MSMEs are functioning, but also to help the authorities in formulating future schemes and initiatives for their betterment.

And what's more! The census can indeed tell us the number of MSME units operating in the country, their production status, extent of sickness, clustering parameters, and how much they are contributing to the economy and what their share in the GDP of the country is.

However, after days of data collection, one gets the feeling that the MSME Ministry is not getting enough support from the MSMEs for whose benefit the census is being conducted.

In the first place, news of the census never reached the MSMEs despite an extensive media campaign, mostly because the enterprises didn't bother to know its advantages.

Secondly, the enterprises fear that the ministry will leak out this information to other departments, which in actuality is not the case. The information collected in the census is kept confidential and used for statistical purposes alone.

MSME Ministry sources even tell me that MSME-holders in many cases don't give the correct information, besides that, they don't have time to fill the form. Yes, I agree that it takes a little time, but believe me it's time well invested.

One can even approach the state authorities directly and contact their concerned district departments like District Industry Center (DIC) and Directorate of Industries (DI) to get their enterprise registered.

So let's co-operate with the authorities and make this census a successful one.



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MSME census
Amandeep Singh | Tue Jun 3 08:58:00 2008
Dear Mr Khosla, The government is crying hoarse in advertisements that the Finance Ministry has instructed the Banks to provide credit to SMEs up to 25 lacs without collateral security. But the actual position is different and the Banks do not entertain any such requests and keep on delaying the case on some excuse or the other.In the meantime the whole purpose of the loan gets defeated.Please try and put this problem to the people concerned.

  Re: MSME census
Dinesh seth | Wed Jun 4 12:42:58 2008
Mr. Amandeep Singh, The said loan without collateral is available from host of banks like ICICI, Axis in private sector and SIDBI and other nationalised banks. Do contact them for the same and in case of any difficulty, let me know at 9356266852. I can help you in arranging the same.

KAMLESH K | Sat May 31 09:31:59 2008
I am a manufacturer myself. I appreciate ur opinion.After reading, I am still with NOT participating with this census. Why does the Govt. have to spend so much money on census when they can have statistics from VAT,Service tax, Customs, Excise Departments. Its only that they dont have a internal system OR they dont have time to do so AND they expect us to give our valuable time for figures which are already with them. We have given enough of our valuable time to them complying with their systems and paper work (oops ! sorry now the new TERRIFIC (or IRRITATING): Efiling)

Costom Shipping Bills
S. K. BINDRA | Thu May 29 03:25:47 2008
Thanks for keeping us updated with all aspects of exports. Through your esteem office I wish to bring this to the kind note of customs authorities at Delhi ports that the computer print out of Shipping Bills being issued are just continued printing and proper page making is NOT done and wish to request them to rectify this small problem which will help proper record keeping of this important document. Thanks

MSME Census
M.M. Kasture | Wed May 28 16:37:01 2008
Dear Mr.Khosla, I haertily admire your suggessions for joining the census. But how many industries received due intimation for the census organisation. It shows how un-organised Indian industries are and how concious is over Government for upliftment of the production activities. I always read your editorials and appreciate the discussions. Please advise way outs that SME's can practically adopt and find versatile solution. Best regards,

SME co-operation
MAHANT. MUKUL CHANDRA, | Wed May 28 01:33:52 2008
please visit my website and write me As Christ said: Come onto me -I shall deliver. You will never regret approaching me. MM

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