Industrial city Kanpur at its deathbed
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Saurabh Gupta | 20 Aug, 2008
This is a fact that once Kanpur city of Uttar Pradesh was not only known as the Manchester of India, but also known as Manchester of the Eastern World. It was said that in Kanpur nobody slept hungry because everyone had enough work for their livelihood.
But today Kanpur cuts a sorry picture, a picture of neglect, non-existent infrastructure with almost all industries either closing down or shifting base to better locations.
After independence, in the mid of 50s, industries in Kanpur city were at their peak. Various big industries developed by British emperors were given to the central government. Along with these, other big industries like ventures of J K industries, Swadeshi Cotton Mill, Elgin Mills Co. Ltd., Lal Imli and many others were formed and most of there industries were under the supervision of central government.
Kanpur was one of the biggest producer of the textile products. Apart from the textile industry and the leather industry, two wheelers, chemicals, fertilizers, hosiery, and engineering goods were also the major industries made this city the Manchester of the East.
The leather industry, which is now one of the biggest industry of Kanpur city, earns Rs.2,000 crore a year in revenue.
Now the image has completely changed. During this correspondent's visit to Kanpur, he have saw nothing more than chaos and gloom. He have found that Kanpur, once India's leading industrial center, is now a graveyard of industries.
In the 1990s the textile industry was in a state of crisis, most mills closed down, the labour movement was fragmented and the working class appeared decimated. In the past 15-18 years almost 90 percent of big industries and around 50 small units have closed down.
Thousands of labourers have been retrenched from their jobs. They are crying for their livelihood, but no one is listening. Their lives and identities are closely intertwined with work in the mills.
On July 31, 1998 closure notices were slapped on Elgin Mills Co. Ltd. and the Cawnpore Textile, both owned by the Central Government-owned British Indian Corporation (BIC). The BIC group owns five units in Kanpur and an equal number of units are being run by the National Textile Corporation (NTC) group. The Ministry of Finance has clearly said that it was in no mood to dole out money for running the loss-making units.
SME Times discussed this pain with a few major industrialists of Kanpur city, who elaborated their plight and gave a picture of negligence and callousness of not only respective state governments, but also the central government.
One of the renowned leather industrialists Mukhtarul Amin of Super House, said, "This is very unfortunate. Kanpur was the one of the biggest city in fact it was the Manchester of India, but now it is no where in the industrial map of the world."
While talking about the reasons, Mukhtarul Amin didn't purely blamed the government, but also held the industrialists responsible for the current state of affairs.
He said, "Most of the industries in Kanpur, either government-owned or individually-owned, didn't make changes in their production systems with the advent of technology. They were unable to keep up with modernisation of operations and thus had to suffer most."
"And I think the biggest setback for the industry here was that most of the British industries were grabbed by the central government. The last nail in the coffin was that of the Jaipura, which was acquired by the then government of Janta Party. Two things killed most of these units: first was that these units didn't update their equipment with the change of time and technology and the second thing was Inspector-Raj," he added.
The once flourishing industry of Kanpur has of late been facing problems like alleged neglect on part of the State governments, extortion and scarcity of power forcing the industry bigwigs to seek alternatives in terms of business modules and better places.
The biggest setback of these industries is that nobody is realising the gravity of the situation. Most are unaware of these industries' real estate value, which is very huge owing to the fact that these units are situated at the heart of the city. And most of these units are awaiting a flavourable decision from the authorities.
"The same problems that afflicted the textile industry trickled down to Kanpur's leather industry too. For instance TEFCO, one of the largest government undertakings was declared sick and till today no judgment has been pronounced. Sadly enough God knows what has happened to the equipment of this unit. Most of them have either been stolen or else left to rust. It's such a waste of equipment," said Mukhtarul Amin.
"Another hurdle faced by industries in Kanpur is shortage of good infrastructure, mainly power. Lack of uninterrupted electricity is one of the major hurdles in the way of the growth of Kanpur industry," said M. M. Kothari, founder of Kothari group of industries.
"Lack of infrastructure is one of the prime factor that make industries in Kanpur uncompetitive in the fast emerging Indian market. There is a need for infrastructure development mainly power generation, which is a key soul of development of any industry. Our industry can't live without this basic need," he said.
"The basic infrastructure refers to the need for development to be integrated, socially, economically and environmentally, oriented to the long-term, and hence, able to last. The extent of infrastructure development of city is an indicator of it's economic growth," he added.
All big and small industries, which are already battling power blues and poor infrastructure, are now moving towards some other better cities or even to other states.
States like Bihar are already wooing these industries with several sops and incentives. Recently the Nitish Kumar government has promised to provide all the facilities required to establish the industries in that State including suitable land at cheaper rates, uninterrupted power supply, a pollution control plant and required subsidies, a leather industry holder said. The assurance was given by a delegation of senior industries department officials from Bihar who recently visited Kanpur, he said.
Meanwhile the employees' plight is even more pronounced with most of the people moving out of the city in search of better employment opportunities.
A laid-off employee of Swadeshi Cotton Mill, Hira lal said, "I was the supervisor in Swedesi cotton mill. When our unit was closed the management had forcefully given me the VRS. In the beginning I normally got the pension, but now the situation is worse. There is no surety of the pension now."
His brother Ravi has a shop in Mesten Road said, "Mesten Road is one of the busiest markets of Kanpur city that's why it has to face the heavy traffic. Because there is no parking zone for the customers and the shopkeepers so people normally park their vehicles at the mid of the road due to which in every few minutes we have to face the problem of traffic jam."
"Our children do not want to carry on with our business in Kanpur as they feel that they would get better opportunities to expand their base if we move towards Noida or outside UP," said Rakesh Suri, owner of Suri Shoes. According to Suri if this will continue for another few years then many other top leather industries may shift their base from Kanpur to Rajasthan, Noida and Faridabad.
Rameshwar Dayal who after losing his job from Swadeshi Cotton Mill has opened a sweets shop in Panki region of the city said, "I have opened this shop for my bread and butter, but due to water-logging on the road in front of my shop no body wants to come here. We are seven members in our family and facing the same problem for the last four years."
Mukhtarul Amin said that all big buyers from south-eastern countries and Europe were not ready to visit Kanpur's industries and export houses due to the lack of civic amenities, absence of international air-link, absence of good hotels, poor roads and unhygienic conditions of Kanpur city.
"Foreign buyers rather prefer to stay in Agra, the Taj city, where they can avail better hotels to stay and proper connectivity of air and road link," said Mukhtarul Amin.
All major industrialists of the city told SME Times that there was a need to build a new Kanpur. This city has reached its saturation and there is no scope and hope for improvement with its current infrastructure. The government needs to think in the lines of building a new Kanpur which will be empowered with infrastructure and will be well connected.
alok katiyar | Sun Jul 12 09:13:20 2015
Kanpur was the Manchester of india but not now causes of cheap politics of SP and BSP
Kanpur should be first smart city
Rahul | Sat Oct 18 10:48:40 2014
Kanpur has potential to become first smart city in modi's list.
But politics is eating this city and destroying its glory.
neeloooo | Wed May 21 10:06:09 2014
Oh yes very true.kanpur is dying a slow death.this stepchild has been given unjust treatment by every government be it sp or bsp.the youth of kanpur is running away to other cities for a decent living.its time for bjp now.lt has the opportunity and means.
Manas Mishra | Thu Aug 15 06:05:49 2013
Yes u are right but, in present Kanpur is the biggest industrial city in India.
knitting industry
meenaxi tripathi | Mon Apr 29 19:02:35 2013
status of knitting industry in kanpur or second and third producer of knitwear ? tell me correct position
पत्थरों का दर्द !!!
Chakradhari Bajpai | Mon Jan 9 07:21:29 2012
लाचारी के जख्म लिए उस मूरत को, हर राही घूरे जाता था/ श्रांत, छुब्ध, कुछ कहने को आतुर, पर कोई नहीं ठहरता था/
जन मानस की राह छोड़, मैंने कुछ वक्त निकाला था/ मैं पास गया, ये जान सकूं, आखिर इनको क्या सदमा था/
नीरसता छाई चेहरे पर, देखा तो यूही पूँछ दिया/
पत्थर सी खामोसी! क्या तुम पर भी है जुल्म किया ?
वो लगी शिशकने सुनते ही, तो मेरा संयम टूट गया/ में ठिठुरा देखा इहर-उधर, फिर थोडा उसके पास गया/
बोला मैंने है पता तुझे,सरकारी अमला लाखों में |जिस जगह खड़ी, वो अरबो में, पत्थर जो आये खरबों में
डांका गरीब के घर डाला, बस तुझको एक बसाने में/ अब और भला क्या बचा? तुम्हे जो लुटा सके खुस करने में/
वो लगी सिसकने और जोर, मैंने बढ यूँ स्वीकार किया/ गुस्ताखी मेरी माफ़ करें,आवेग में ऐसा बोल गया/
यूँ तो मैं प्रेरित होता हूँ, ज़ब-ज़ब है तुम पर नज़र गया/ पर ज़ब से प्रस्तर युग लौटा, हर टुकड़ा देता दर्द नया/
वो बोली मुझसे रुंधे कंठ,मेरी भी अपनी पीड़ा है/ मैं हूँ उस पत्थर का टुकड़ा,जिसको युग-युग ने पूजा है /
क्या दिखा आज मेरा कशूर? सब मुझसे नफ़रत करता है/ प्रतिफल औरों के पापो का,क्यों मेरे सर यों मढ़ता है/
शायद उजड़े उन खेतों की, खलिहानों की, हरियाली दफ्न हुई होगी/ शायद उजड़े उन बागों के रूखो में, वो टीस अभी बांकी होगी/
शायद उन बिछुड़े पंछी,उजड़े घरौंदों की लाचारी कोस रही होगी/ जिन्दा बुतों की शानों में जो उजड़े हैं, कुछ उनकी खीझ रही होगी/
बडबडा रही थी टूटे सुर, नहीं चाहिये महिमा मंडन, नहीं जरूरत शौहरत की/ विफर पड़ी थी कर्कस सुर में,बहुत हुआ! अब मुहीम रुके पत्थर में प्राण फूंकने की/
"चक्रधर" कह दो उन्हें पैगाम मेरा, पत्थरों से मत लिखे तकदीर सारे कौम की/ तब से में खुद से पूँछ रहा, वेदना बड़ी है मानव की? या उस मूरत की?
Re: पत्थरों का दर्द !!!
Chakradhari Bajpai | Tue Jan 10 08:20:39 2012
Dear friend,
I understand, what's going in your mind
when you search for this type of portal/link? What triggers to me, you still care about your city & state. We all are curious to see good things happening around us but we are less consistent in putting our part of effort. Don’t mistake me; the same is true with me as well. Parking this discussion here; let’s talk about the most awaited event of election to decide our fate for another five years, let’s see who we find the best among worst. Pathetic! No political party talks about the development & corruption free systems in the sate but the cast, cast and cast and of course religion. Let’s get threaded across and see how we can influence the masses to shape our future. We can follow our thoughts over the face book (under "Lets shape our fate the way we like) or twitter. Just to let you know that I have placed one of my poems “Patharon Ka dard” below. Hope you will enjoy it. Kind Regards, Chakradhari Bajpai
Re: पत्थरों का दर्द !!!
piya | Sun May 13 12:12:01 2012
yes i can understand the condition of that rock
Stop giving tax
Amit | Sun Oct 16 20:06:11 2011
Some people should form a private government and people of kanpur should give them their tax for development and not to state or ITDept.
We have to do something for Kanpur
Rahul Tripathi | Fri Aug 6 13:35:25 2010
I am an software enginner in Mumbai. I am born and brought up in Kanpur.I don't have any hope from central or state government. They collect only tax from kanp.There is only some business who give there effort to save knp. I am requesting all the people who loves Kanpur to help made better Kanpur as they can do.
I launching a website "http://kanpur.busi.in" very soon to disscuss problem of Kanpur . If any body have any suggestion kandly email me on admin@oxynovasoft.com .I appreciate the people who provide their input for betterment of Kanpur
Re: We have to do something for Kanpur
alok katiyar | Wed May 16 07:26:50 2012
Iam ALOK KATIYAR an electrical engineer working in a steel plant in Gujrat i am very sad to saying that at this time the position of KANPUR IN WORLD'S industrial map is lowest. That's reason ONLY FOR U.P GOVERNMENT. DO you know that before 1980 TO 1992, 92% money to go the center government only from u.p (kanpur)? but at this time its just opposite. This is only causes u.p government. Today engineers, doctors and others persons of u.p working in mumbai, delhi,ahemdabad and other cities why not in lucknow, kanpur, varanasi, allahabad agra, meerut saharanpur. why ? because of there is no industries and other employment. this is only for u.p government.
Re: Re: We have to do something for Kanpur
Rahul | Sat Oct 18 10:56:09 2014
Even today Kanpur is highest taxpayer in state but still no initiative for industrial development from govt. Kanpur can be developed as IT hub of north but all because of greedy and fool govt its not getting developed.(It has major talent coming out from IIT-K, HBTI(oldest engg college), CSA, GCTI etc), also Bithoor can be developed as river front city with revenue earner from tourism, water sports etc.
what about law and order
rajendra kumar srivastava | Sat Nov 7 16:30:19 2009
I am a doctor now working in Manipal. Impressed by real story. I love Kanpur and will be more than happy if Kanpur improves. No body has mentioned about law and order problem. I am a doctor and I know that doctors, businessman and other persons with even moderate earning are always threatened by goonda elements. Extortion are high and have become a profession there. You are afraid to come home if you are late in night. Doctors are applying for revolver for their own safety. How can you expect a doctor to work with revolver in one hand and stethoscope in other. Power cut definitely a problem. You can not use lifesaving instruments for you patient without power. Still I appreciate the people who are fighting for betterment of Kanpur.
Don’t leave hope: let’s move
Chakradhari Bajpai | Sat Nov 7 09:19:33 2009
I have expertise in engineering solutions such as FE Analysis, Crash simulation and MBD application for mechanical structures. Currently I am heading a prestigious account in same area in one of the leading engineering MNC. In my recent visit to city, I was exploring opportunities of venturing in the same area. I remained enthusiastic through out my trip over there. I find this large upcoming network of engineering institutions would be good booster for the industrial health of the city in days to come. I am looking for some like minded entrepreneur and academician to join me.
Lets Rebuild Kanpur.. Bring Back the Glory.
Puneet Singh Bindra | Wed Sep 9 17:10:08 2009
I am law graduate from University of Delhi. I was working with one of India,s premier law firm before I left it to retun back to my own city Kanpur... I think that its time that all those who are concerned for the dilapidated condition of Kanpur Join Hands. I moved back to city and have set up a lawfirm here.
i am planning to file a Public Interest Petition in the High court of Allahabad in some time. I was doing my research on the topic when i found this article and this forum where the likeminded have already been very actively sharing their views.
We have to think of alternatives!!!
Akhil Shukla | Wed Jun 24 06:03:00 2009
Dear Sir,
I am a Computer Engineer with Infosys, Hyderabad.Needless to say how much I love my Hometown-Kanpur.
I am very sorry to say that in spite of producing some of the best technocrats qualitatively , Kanpur is facing a steep downwards trend for last few decades.
A few reasons that I can see are - lack of Political Stronghold, Power Crisis and absolutely the lack of some charismatic enterpreneur of modern age.
If Kanpur would have been able to produce a single visionary such as Mr. Narayan Murthy or Mr. Azim Premji, Story would have been different.
The reason of rapid growth of cities such as Bengalore and Hyderabad have been High-Tech Industries.
With enterpreneurs coming from such cities and establishing thier firms in these cities in turn generate employment and revenue that in turn ensures rapid governmental support and infrastructural developement.
Though we can try to revive our Industries and Factories and search for the options of ensuring 24X7 power supply to the production units, We must also be ready to work on alternate lines .
One of which I can think of is - Educational Industry.
We can try to turn Kanpur - with its quite vast knowledge base- into an Education and Coaching Hub. With its unparalleled low cost of living and better teaching facilities , it will definitely turn out to be a serious competitor in this field.
A vast agro-Hinterland and better land water connectivity may be other options to be explored and taken benefit of.
Don’t leave hope: let’s move
Chakra Dhari Bajpai | Sun Jan 25 17:49:55 2009
Shortly we will have a common site for the discussion where we can bring more light on the contemporary issues and opportunities in the way of city industrialization. I will let you know the site address.
Lets join hands for our home
Apoorva Agarwal | Fri Jan 16 08:06:55 2009
Dear Mr. Bajpai,
Its actually wonderful to read your comments for the city. I'm a young entreprenuer of the city and have really want to do something to improve the city as a whole. would like to ghet in touch with you. So if you could provide me with your contacts.
Value your city
Pranu Bajpai | Tue Nov 18 13:54:57 2008
The plight of the city is its people and their behavior.While so many are good only a few of them exercise their duties to do good to the city.Not many follow the civic sense of basic cleanliness and urban propriety.of course the government is to be blamed too but it will never heed unless the people make their voices heard.And that would happen when the people value their city
Don’t leave hope: let’s move
Chakra Dhari Bajpai | Sun Nov 9 17:32:46 2008
This is really unfortunate for all of us seeing our own city dieing. Industrial success story that we had in recent past has now become a part of history, definitely it something which we never anticipated, particularly in the era when the most of our cities are coming up on the world business map, Kanpur an industrial hub is struggling for its survival. It is bad luck that we got most of our politician which have nothing to do with the development. I wonder that even corrupt Indian politician have done enough development of the region they belong to.
Any way that’s one part of story, we have to bear with and have to find the way to move forward. I feel potential is still left. We have rich background of social and industrial success. We have brilliance of world level tech-institutions & educational network. Defense, aero & rail subsidiaries will have their positive impact in the days to come. Industrial growth of Lucknow and upcoming Rail project in Rai barely would also play a significant role in the city development. We can make a good use of all these happening around us. Entrepreneur, technocrats, manager & engineer’s brigade that we have out side should look for the opportunity and to take initiative to show the way to move ahead so that our own native city can stand and run again to match the pace for which it deserves to. I am currently a techno manager working in MNC’s, seriously thinking to start one engineering and consulting firm in the city. You too should…
Don't leave hope:Let's move
Chakra Dhari Bajpai | Sun Nov 9 17:30:54 2008
This is really unfortunate for all of us seeing our own city dieing. Industrial success story that we had in recent past has now become a part of history, definitely it something which we never anticipated, particularly in the era when the most of our cities are coming up on the world business map, Kanpur an industrial hub is struggling for its survival. It is bad luck that we got most of our politician which have nothing to do with the development. I wonder that even corrupt Indian politician have done enough development of the region they belong to.
Any way that’s one part of story, we have to bear with and have to find the way to move forward. I feel potential is still left. We have rich background of social and industrial success. We have brilliance of world level tech-institutions & educational network. Defense, aero & rail subsidiaries will have their positive impact in the days to come. Industrial growth of Lucknow and upcoming Rail project in Rai barely would also play a significant role in the city development. We can make a good use of all these happening around us. Entrepreneur, technocrats, manager & engineer’s brigade that we have out side should look for the opportunity and to take initiative to show the way to move ahead so that our own native city can stand and run again to match the pace for which it deserves to. I am currently a techno manager working in MNC’s, seriously thinking to start one engineering and consulting firm in the city. You too should…
Re: Don't leave hope:Let's move
shivam | Tue Nov 11 13:08:14 2008
You are writing with heart as seems that you are well Familiar with the situation so please keep it up as you told "Dont leave hope: Let's move".
I like it very mutch
Re: Don't leave hope:Let's move
iktidar rizvi | Sat Nov 29 20:08:07 2008
I am a U.S. citizen in Florida. My grandfather worked almost 50 years till 1947 in Muir Mills, Kanpur. The city has a sentimental value for me. I am also an enginner and I would like to learn more about your idea of starting an engineering and consulting firm. If you can perform, I can try and get some engineering work outsourced to your company. My e-mail address is iktidar@hotmail.com, please communicate with me.
Re: Re: Don't leave hope:Let's move
Chakra Dhari Bajpai | Sat Dec 27 15:08:53 2008
Dear Mr. Iktidar Rizvi,
Thanks for your encouragement; I will come back to you soon with the plan I am working at.
Thanks & regards,
Bajpai C. D.
Re: Don't leave hope:Let's move
Rajeev | Fri Dec 19 19:03:52 2008
Dear Sir,
As you written it's absolutely wonderfull industrialization will help in the condition of dieing city but main problem of the city that it do not have any good leadership to lead the city.
So if you realy want to help the Kanpur then please be a leader and lead the City
city needs your leadership.
Don't leave hope:Let's move
Chakra Dhari Bajpai | Sun Nov 9 17:23:34 2008
This is really unfortunate for all of us seeing our own city dieing. Industrial success story that we had in recent past has now become a part of history, definitely it something which we never anticipated, particularly in the era when the most of our cities are coming up on the world business map, Kanpur an industrial hub is struggling for its survival.
Probably, we all are aware of the reason. It is bad luck that we got most of our politician which have nothing to do with the development. I wonder that even corrupt Indian politician have done enough development of the region they belong to.
Any way that’s one part of story, we have to bear with and have to find the way to move forward. I feel potential is still left. We have rich background of social and industrial success. We have brilliance of world level tech-institutions, compatible educational network and available skills. Defense, aero & rail subsidiaries will have their positive impact in the days to come. Industrial growth of Lucknow and upcoming Rail project in Rai barely would also play a significant role in the city development. We can make a good use of all these happening around us. Entrepreneur, technocrats, manager & engineer’s brigade that we have out side should look for the opportunity and to take initiative to show the way to move ahead so that our own native city can stand and run again to match the pace for which it deserves to. I am currently a techno manager working in MNC’s, seriously thinking to st
Re: Don't leave hope:Let's move
dharmendra mishra | Thu Jan 15 04:56:56 2009
We need someone to think,someone to come forward and someone to act.I am sure that Kanpur ,if not politically neglected,will defenitely surge as an industrial hub.We have to do something before situation gets worsten.We want the government to quit its lackdaisical approach and take some stirn actions.
A RAY OF HOPE WILL ALWAYS IN MY HEART because I love this city very much and I don't want myself to go somewhere else to survive
Poor kanpur
Ankur Gupta | Wed Oct 22 09:20:55 2008
Perticularly I do not belong 2 kanpur, I am from ghatmapur near by kanpur,but I love kanpur,coz,I have spend my childhood here as well as I did my schooling from kanpur,and nw I am running my own BPO company in Delh & I wantewd do smthing in d favour of kanpur,but untill or unlesss I m not able to do anything,coz there is no oppurtuniuty for growth as well as no basic things including (electricity ,roads,good infrastructure)..i wanted 2 have my one office in kanpur..bcoz my parents r alone in kanpur..but i m helpless,now this time we need 2 think forward in d favour of kanpur..our state govt look in to d matter very seriously..in spite of paying d highest tax in state ,it is not getting it's basic need...but on other hand LUCKNOW is getting all developement..why, i am keen 2 know it....we need to resolve this issue very soon..this parceliety should not be longer...bocz it is required for developement of city...
It is true
Yashvinder Singh | Mon Oct 13 12:35:52 2008
i'm a kanpur born engineer working in pune. Never did i think of settling down in kanpur itself. Not because i don't love the city. Come on.... it is my home. no matter how bad it is. I belong there. But because of lack of basic amenities, youngsters like me, are moving out of the city. poor infrastructure, power shortage, lack of opportunities etc are driving the youngsters out of this place. the city suffers pure negligence from the state as well as central authorities. Lucknow on the other hand by just being the capital city of UP gets the best part of the pie. Although lucknow's industrial revenue accounts for nothing when compared to kanpur, preference is always given to the capital city. The city of kanpur has been one of the most important industrial areas in north india. the reason for establishment of IIT in kanpur in 1950 was to bring the academia close to the industry. even today IIT produces one of the finest professionals in the world but just because there are better opportunities outside the city, kanpur faces the worst brain drain.
if things continue going like this and if no concrete steps are taken to resolve this issue, we might just end up with a city which had a golden past, a rather blurred present and a real dark future.
asadhameedkhan@gmail.com | Mon Sep 29 10:23:29 2008
well its sad to read all this i have spend all my childhood in kanpur it really felt sad i always wanted to come back to india and setle back in kanpur but now u know i will definetly come back because i know my people need me
Nice story! keep it up!
Parul | Wed Aug 20 17:18:49 2008
Nicely raise the hot issue of Kanpur. There is definitely need to work for the dieing industries of the City, and this could be a step in forward direction. And the writer well said that no body is listening.
Re: Nice story! keep it up!
Kalu Ram Pareek | Sat Aug 30 07:09:09 2008
Well I visited Kanpur recently found same situation ,which is to be rectify soon, to save Kanpur.My suggestion is for civilians to change their behavior among to another and to govt.to develop further infrastructure like to Noida near by Kanpur. In view to Bhopal which is also a old city developed with new colony and industry with latest infrastructure.
Re: Re: Nice story! keep it up!
Gaurav Bajpai | Tue Jul 28 19:21:13 2009
First,I must say,I am very happy that some peoples are thinking about our Kanpur,I am proud to be an Kanpurian.We were the best in India,cities like Bangalore,Hyderabad are newly born child in comparision with kanpur.But it is fact that condition is so poor....All you have pointed the main problems....But we have to think about the solution.Now kanpur needs an visionary like Narendra Modi,Ratan Tata..........
I hope ........no I am confident that history will repeat............and Glory of Kanpur will enlight the whole world.
Re: Re: Re: Nice story! keep it up!
essgee | Thu Aug 20 07:36:54 2009
Really happy to learn that civilians are so daring and caring - I am a housewife - first thing we need to do is making people aware that it is our home. Please let me know how can I be of some help.
Re: Re: Re: Nice story! keep it up!
Jai P Vasandani | Sat Nov 7 22:34:24 2009
Dear Gaurav,
First of all, you deserve to be complimented for sincere about development of Kanpur..perhaps this zeal of yours can be converted into a little bit of Industrial development...You could start a news letter and help direct biz from Kanpuria OVERSEAS or OUT-OF-STATE who are willing to help to reliable companies in kanpur... I am a Kanpuria and now resident in Nigeria (West Africaa)since 25 years...If I could be of help to any company from Kanpur, pls ask them to write to me directly.. jpv774@yahoo.com . Nigeria is 2nd largest market of Africa.
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