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Last updated: 26 Sep, 2014  

CII.9.Thmb.jpg CII’s Rural focus conforms to inclusive development approach

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SME Times News Bureau | 12 Apr, 2010

CII has lauded the Government for undertaking several concrete steps towards decentralizing decision making, participatory development, inclusive growth and public private partnership for national development. To mention a few the National flagship programs such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), National Rural Health Mission and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan are catalyzing inclusive growth and creating local opportunities for development.

In addition, the national development priorities and programmes are becoming more targeted and also more innovative in terms of forging partnerships for harnessing the expertise and resources available with the private sector. However, India needs a much greater fillip to create more employment opportunities, create livelihood and strengthen value chains for the rural populace and extending institutional support to the existing groups.

Speaking about rural development, Mr. Atul Singh, Chairman, CII National Committee on Rural Development stated that the government of India time and again has realised the growth potential and brought out suitable policy setup to gauge future growth opportunities for the national economy. The large rural – urban gap also presents an opportunity for private enterprises to invest in establishing new sustainable business for sectors that are relevant for rural economy.

Singh added that forging private alliances in the field of IT, financial inclusion, management of natural resources will be paramount in times to come. For reforms to succeed a close involvement of the private sector at all levels – from policymaking to being involved in running institutions, is critical and the Government is increasingly working with the private sector to move forward in transforming this vision into reality. The development focus therefore should conform to inclusive development and creation of win-win models for all stakeholders.

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